Dandy på Plakaten



Sommetider opstår ligheder i de mærkeligste sammenhænge såsom Governors Island juni 2009. Et smil genkendes fra en af de frækkeste og letteste udførte plakater fra Valdemar Andersens hånd.

At times, similarities happen in the strangest contexts such as on Governors Island June 2009. A smile instantly recognized from one of the boldest and flimsiest posters from the hand of Valdemar Andersen.

Valdemar Andersen: Journalistforbundets Rundskuedag, 1911, Design Museum Danmark.
The couple is off to scoup up the many prizes to be won at the fair of the Union of Journalists 1911.
The main prize was a voyage to China and Japan.
The photo was taken by me for study purposes and I apologize for its poor quality.

Lutter svungne linjer tegnet op med et gråt penselstrøg med så lidt farve i sig, at den knapt synes at være der. Lavet på stedet med samme fart, som parret bevæger sig. Det er overdrevet og skal være overdrevet, plakaten skal få alle til at løbe med i deres retning.

Og så måske alligevel ingen overdrivelse:

Curved lines drawn with so little color on the dry brush that each line barely seems to be there. Drawn and printed in the same take, made with a speed equivalent to the one with which the pair moves. It is an exaggeration and it is meant to be exaggerated; the poster is intended to have everyone running along with the couple.

And then perhaps no exaggeration after all:

Photo: dreamlandorchestra.com, 2009.

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