In Deepest Gratitude
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Annette Carlsen, portrait of me drawn September 26, 2015. |
I am utterly everything - utterly overwhelmed, utterly grateful and most of all I feel humble in that I have done so little, but hope to do so much more.
Kunsthistorikeren Louise C. Larsen modtager Svarres legat.
Vi har i Danske Bladtegnere i år valgt at uddele Svarres legat til en af foreningen faste støtter: Louise C. Larsen.
Louise har gennem sit utrættelige arbejde med Dansk Bladtegning tilført faget et vigtigt akademisk element. Vi hædre en helt særlig personlighed – en der har stået vagt om vores fag igennem en svær tid, en person der har givet vores fag en flot ballast.
Louises arbejde med sin blog “Valdemar Andersen” har stor betydning for faget, ikke altid let at forstå, ofte kontroversiel, men altid begavet og vidende. Louise har et vidstrakt netværk, som hun ikke er bange for at bruge til glæde for vores lille fag.
Netop Louises kontakter i det danske tegneseriemiljø og den enorme viden hun besidder om vores fags historie gik op i en højere enhed ved årets Copenhagen Comics. I samarbejde med Erik Petri skabte Louise fundamentet for vores historieskrivning der. Uden Louise var vores stand på Comics ikke blevet så forrygende, som den blev.
Da jeg var til stort anlagt konference om ytringsfrihed i Paris sidste mandag, var det Louise som alle de mange internationale stjerne ville have mig til at bringe hilsner med hjem til. Tegnere fra Malaysia, Ecuador, Tunesien, Israel, Palæstina og Belgien bad mig hilse årets modtager af Svarres legat.
Det er første gang at prisen gives til en ikke-tegner, og det kommer formentligt ikke til at ske igen, årets modtager er noget helt særligt.
Svarres legat eller “den lille Cavling-pris”, som legatet også er blevet kaldt, er opkaldt efter Chefredaktør på Østsjællands Folkeblad Kaj Svarre. Prisen blev første gang uddelt 3. oktober 1970. Legatet uddeles ikke hvert år, men gives altid til en person der gør noget særligt for vores lille tegner fællesskab.
Legatet bestyrelse består af formand og næstformand i Dansk Journalistforbund Lars Werge og Tine Johansen, formand og næstformand i Danske Bladtegnere Lars Refn og Bob Katzenelson."
Lars R.-
The art historian Louise C. Larsen receives The Svarre Award.
We of the Danish Cartoonists have chosen to delegate this year's Svarre Award to a source of strength to our union: Louise C. Larsen.
Louise has through her tireless work for Danish cartooning brought an important academic component to the profession. We honor a very special personality - one that has stood guard over our profession through a difficult time, a person who has given our profession great ballast.
Louise's work on her blog "Valdemar Andersen" is important to our profession, not always easy to understand, often controversial, but always intelligent and knowledgeable. Louise has an expansive network that she is not afraid to use it for the benefit of our little profession.
Louise's contacts in the Danish comics environment and the vast knowledge she possesses about our subject's history convened at this year's Copenhagen Comics. In collaboration with Erik Petri she created the foundation for writing our history there. Without Louise our stand at the Comics had not been as terrific as it was.
When I was on large-scale conference on freedom of speech in Paris last Monday, it was Louise to whom all the many international stars wanted me to bring greetings home. Cartoonists from Malaysia, Ecuador, Tunisia, Israel, Palestine and Belgium asked me to greet this year's recipient of The Svarre Award.
This is the first time that the award is not given to a cartoonist and it shall probably not happen again; this year's recipient is someone very special.
The Svarre Award or "the little Cavling Award" by which name the award goes by too, is named after editor in chief of Østsjællands Folkeblad Kaj Svarre. It was awarded for the first time on October 3, 1970. The grant is not awarded every year, but it is always given to a person, who contributes with something special for our cartooning community.
The scholarship board consists of the chairman and deputy chairman of the Danish Union of Journalists Lars Werge and Tine Johansen, and the president and vice-president of Danish Cartoonists Lars Refn and Bob Katzenelson".
Lars R.-