Argumentationsanalyse ved Willis
Selvmordet er filosofiens første problemkompleks, skrev Camus. Er det værd at forblive i livet? Alle andre spørgsmål er spil på ord, som vi først kan forholde os til, når vi har svaret på det første.
Mohamed Ghannouchi har i Tunesien erklæret, at befolkningen har fået dækket sit basale behov. Han fremhævede, at "(...) regeringen gør sit arbejde: "I trykker på en kontakt, der er elektricitet. I åbner en vandhane, der er vand"":
Suicide is the first question of philosophy, according
to Camus. Is life worth living? All other issues are but games on words to be
played out when the fundamental question has been answered.
In Tunisia Mohamed Ghannouchi has stated that the
population has had its basic needs covered. He pointed out how "(...) the
government is doing its job: "You turn on a switch and there is
electricity. You open a water tap and there is water"":
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Nadia Khiari: WillisfromTunis, 26. august 2013. |
Camus' fokus var mindre meningsløsheden end livets absurditet, hvori han har sin åndsfælle i Willis, der straks har kombineret grundelementerne i Ghannouchis argument. Der er stikkontakt, som der er vandhane.
Hvis humor sker i sammenstødet mellem to elementer, hvoraf opstår et tredje i afsløringen eller chokket, beviser Willis atter sit format ved at lade de i alt tre led blotlægge det totale fravær af det fjerde og egentlige. Forfatningen, Hr. Ghannouchi, hvordan med forfatningen?
Camus' focus was less on life's meaninglessness than the absurdity of it in which he has his kindred spirit in Willis. The latter immediately combined the basic elements of Ghannouchi's argument. There is a switch and there is a faucet.
If humour is an eruption of the clash between two elements of which emerges a third element of detection or shock then Willis proves his format yet again. He lets the total of the three parts expose the complete absence of the fourth and imperative one. The Constitution, Mr. Ghannouchi, what about the Constitution?
Camus' focus was less on life's meaninglessness than the absurdity of it in which he has his kindred spirit in Willis. The latter immediately combined the basic elements of Ghannouchi's argument. There is a switch and there is a faucet.
If humour is an eruption of the clash between two elements of which emerges a third element of detection or shock then Willis proves his format yet again. He lets the total of the three parts expose the complete absence of the fourth and imperative one. The Constitution, Mr. Ghannouchi, what about the Constitution?
Le "Cinématon" n°2756 de WillisfromTunis,
réalisé par Gérard Courant le 19 septembre 2013 à Toulouse (France) (Silencieux).
réalisé par Gérard Courant le 19 septembre 2013 à Toulouse (France) (Silencieux).