The Elementary Nuclear Physics On The Creation of Art
It is no secret that Denmark as of this summer has a new government. It is sadly known within the very heart of Syria. The Arts are up next, and cultural institutions are to be moved out of Copenhagen and spread across the isles to make for an evening out of where culture is created in this country. Or so it is declared.
Per Arnoldi has penned a protest, but not just that: It is an analysis of how art comes about, which this blog cannot but heartily extol. Art springs from love nests, with all what that entails and once they are dissolved, we are left with the nightmare by Per Marquard Otsen how great passion is answered to as a convenience of practicality.
The English translation is below.
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Per Marquard Otzen, The Sacred Fire, November 25, 2014. |
Per Arnoldi
Under overskriften: ”BEDRE BALANCE I KULTURLIVET”,
præsenterer Kulturministeriet , i den store tvangsudflytningspakke, sine molboagtige analyser og løsninger for netop denne balance.
Men, desværre, kulturlivet lever hverken af eller i balance!
Et centrum opstår når talent søger sammen.
Måske i både u-balance og disharmoni.
Både de gode og de dårlige, de håbefulde, de kæmpende og de overfladiske, de grimme, de glatte, centrale aktører og anhængere og vandbærere deltager.
Centrum trækker yderligere masse til sig, til det kritiske punkt er nået og centrum begynder at udsende energi, nytænkning, oplevelser, resultater og ideer.
Dette centrum kan ikke skabes ved diktat eller tvangsforflytninger.
Det er en naturlov.
Talenter vil både konkurrere og sove sammen.
Had og kærlighed er aldrig i balance i kulturlivet.
Ingen beder os lave det vi gør, men alle bruger og høster og nyder, i større og mindre grad, resultaterne af dette, vores frivillige arbejde.
Vand løber ikke op ad!
Kunstnerne søger sammen.
Det er en naturlov.
Resultaterne kommer af synergi, både den frivillige og den ufrivillige.
Talent smitter, det skidt!
Tvangsspredning vil ikke virke.
Folkepartiets provinsielle had og kynisk kalkulerede misundelse lyser ud af hele pakken.
Jubeloverskriften fra DF, at hvis dette lykkes vil mere følge… er en ren trussel.
Kulturministeren taler om at geografiske kvalifikationer skal veje i stedet for faglige.
Hvis man altså bor i Neder Skrupstrup vejer det tungere end egentlig faglige kvalifikationer. Dette formørkede nonsens taler sit eget sorte sprog. Når eksempelvis faglige
udvalgsposter skal besættes, er det i hans optik vigtigere hvor man bor end hvad man kan?
Resultatet af udvalgets arbejde vil uvægerligt blive derefter.
Hele regeringens pakke er, på trods af både erfaringer, sund fornuft og fagfolks skepsis, almueromantik og Molboidyl.
Tilflytningen til de store byer taler for sig selv.
Det er, nu , her det sker.
Det er her talentet fortættes.
Det er elementær kærnefysik.
Øvelsen fremover er meget vanskeligere, end lidt tvang og overfladisk pendling lader ane.
Det gælder om at forfine resultaterne af den samlede energi, både landets og byernes egenart udstråler.
Det gælder om at fortætte den energi til meningsfyldt vækst.
Det er ikke nemt.
Byer, store områder og små samfund bliver lagt smertefuldt øde.
Men ET skridt frem er meget vanskeligere end de to tilbage, regeringens forslag om tvangsforflytning drømmer om at tage.
Lad os hypotetisk antage, at alle de 3900 deporterede statsansatte sagde op og blev hvor de var.
Sidder der så 3900 kvalificerede medarbejdere og venter ude på heden, som aldrig har søgt hen hvor deres kvalifikationer kunne komme til udfoldelse?
Det er sjovest at tale om noget man har forstand på.
Derfor er dette lille skrig mest om kulturen.
For at pege på en absurd detalje: Statens værksteder for kunst, som tæller 8 arbejdspladser omfatter altså ikke de hundreder af kunstnere, der hvert år i kortere eller længere perioder arbejder her.
Nu skal de otte fastansatte flyttes til Helsingør!
Til Kronborg, intet mindre.
Tradition, miljø, ånd, stemning, historie, viden og erfaring som de eksisterende og utroligt velfungerende værksteder på Christianshavn har ophobet gennem 30 år tæller ikke i den lille gnidrede kalkule.
Det er ellers det kunsten lever på og kulturlivet består af.
Men hvor er kunstnerne blevet af i ministerens fikse regnestykke?
Kunsten og kulturlivets knopskydninger trives i U-balance… og befrugtende tæt samliv.
Harmoniske resultater fødes af kreativt kaos, hård konkurrence… og stærk tradition.
Statens værksteder for kunstnerne er IKKE kun en lokalitet – det er en ide og et univers.
Et lille hjørne af vores samfund, hvor den ideelle ånd, der var kærnen i loven om statens kunstfond for over halvtreds år siden, har overlevet og blomstrer vildt og vidt forgrenet.
Men et mønster tegner sig.
Min lumske mistanke om, at netop den befrugtende u-balance er drivkraften i AL energi og alle resultater, også i samfundets mere komplekse funktioner, holder jeg for mig selv.
Per Arnoldi, 1 okt. 2015
Per Arnoldi
the Ministry of Culture presents - as part of the major package on forced relocation - its hillbilly analyses and strategies to this specific balance.
But, unfortunately, cultural life lives neither by nor in balance!
A nucleus emanates from talent finding one another.
Perhaps through un-balance and disharmony.
The good and the bad, the hopeful, the combatants and the superficial, the ugly, the smooth, key players and devotees and water bearers take part.
The nucleus attracts a wider mass of people to it; the critical point is reached and the center begins to emit energy, and creativity, experiences, results and ideas.
This nucleus cannot be created by decree or forced displacement.
It is a law of nature.
Talents will at once compete and sleep together.
Hate and love are never in balance in culture.
No one asks us to do what we do, but everyone uses and reaps and enjoys, in varying degrees, the results of this, our voluntary work.
Water does not run upwards!
Artists seek one another.
It is a law of nature.
The results come from synergies, the voluntary as well as the involuntary.
Talent is contagious, that filth!
Spreading them by force does not work.
The provincial hatred and cynically calculated envy of the (nationalist, LCL) People's Party (DF) is striking in the whole of the package.
The Jubilant heading from DF that if this succeeds will more follow... is an unadulterated threat.
The Minister of Culture states that geographical qualifications shall weigh in ahead of professional ones.
Living in Neder Skrupstrup is consequently a greater qualification that an actual qualification. This obscurantist nonsense speaks its own murky language. For instance, when a professional
Committee is to be appointed, it is in this view more important, where you live than what you can?
The result of the committee's work will inevitably be of that level.
The entire government's package is, in spite of both experience, common sense and professional skepticism an idyllic hillbilly romanticism.
The migration into the cities speaks for itself.
It is, now, here it happens.
This is where talent is condensed.
It is elementary nuclear physics.
The exercise in the years to come is much more difficult than what a little forced and superficial commuting suggests.
It is important to refine the results of the total energy exuded from both rural and urban uniqueness.
The idea is to condense the energy to achieve meaningful growth.
It is not easy.
Cities, large areas and small communities are to be painfully barren.
But ONE step is much more difficult than the two steps back, which the government's proposal on displacement is dreaming on taking.
Let's hypothetically assume that all of the 3900 deported state employees will resign and stay where they are.
Will there be 3,900 qualified employees just waiting out there, who have not till now decamped to places where their qualifications would come to fruition?
It is the most fun talking about something you know about.
This little scream is thus most about culture.
To point to an absurd detail: The Danish Art Workshops, which counts eight jobs does not include the hundreds of artists working there every year for shorter or longer periods of time.
Now the eight permanent employees shall be moved to Elsinore!
To Kronborg, nothing less.
Tradition, environment, spirit, atmosphere, history, knowledge and experience in the already existing and incredibly well run workshops at Christianshavn accumulated in 30 years do not count in the small grubby calculation.
Although that is precisely what art and cultural life consist of.
But were are the artists in the spruce equation made by the Minister?
The offshoots of art and cultural life thrive in un-balance... and a fertile intimate cohabitation.
Harmonic results are born of creative chaos, fierce competition... and strong tradition.
The Danish Art Workshops is NOT just a location - it is an idea and a universe.
A small corner of our society where the ideal spirit that was the core of the Law on Danish Agency for Culture over fifty years ago has survived and is flourishing wildly and widely.
However, a pattern emerges.
My sneaky suspicion that this precise fertilizing of un-balance is the driving force in ALL energy and all results, in the more complex functions of society as well, I shall keep to myself.
Per Arnoldi, October 1, 2015.