Er det en forbrydelse at graffere?
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WillisfromTunis: Ja! De bruger bomber! Yes! They are using bombs! |
Franske graffer og graffeur ligger vidunderligt i ganen. Det er ord, der vil noget med deres liv. Vi kender flertalsformen bedst, hvoraf vi ville tænke på nedenstående ruin af en bygning, som netop en ruin:
The French
words graffer and graffeur lodge themselves wonderfully in the deepest part of
the throat. These are words, which wish to do something with their lives. We
are mostly familiar with the plural term, of which we would define the ruin of
a building below of being precisely nothing but a ruin:
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Men i Tunesien er en sådan bygning kun et bombekrater, hvis man er afhoppet diktator. For en ny tid er murene beviset på triumf for revolutionen i 2011. Overmalede mure er her som overalt i verden symbol på utilpassethed og dermed frihed til at skabe.
But in
Tunisia a building such as this is only a bomb crater, if you are a defected dictator.
To a new era, the walls are proof of the revolution triumphing in 2011. Here as
anywhere else in the world painted walls signify maladjustment and thus the
freedom to create.
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Gaden er gammeldags i forhold til de sociale medier, men stadig lige effektiv til at bevise samling, og de to lag flød sammen i dagene omkring 14. januar 2011, hvor Ben Ali måtte forlade landet.
Willis eksempelvis er som kat et asocialt dyr, der ikke kan opdrages, og er af fysisk format viral. Han var en facebook-kat. Nadia Khiari prøvede af, hvor meget hun kunne lægge ud allerede om aftenen den 13. januar, om eller hvornår hans konto ville blive lukket. Selv holdt hun de første måneder lav profil af sikkerhedsgrunde, men besluttede så at stå direkte frem for netop at gøre det sværere at gøre hende tavs, og tegnede Willis i fuld offentlighed, nu i fysisk håndgribeligt og dertil monumentalt format.
The street
is an old-fashioned medium in comparison to the social media, but it is as efficient as ever
in proving unity, and the two layers of physical and viral presence coupled in
the days around January 14, 2011, when Ben Ali fled the country.
Willis, for
instance, is qua his being a cat an anti-social being, who cannot be disciplined,
his viral format notwithstanding, Nadia Khiari was testing how far she could go
in the evening of January 13, whether or when Willis' Facebook account would be
shut down. Personally she kept a low profile for safety reasons the first
couple of months, but then decided to disclose her own name to make it harder
to silence her, drawing Willis in public, now in a physically tangible format
and a monumental one to boot.
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Så meget desto mere valgte hun at stå frem, fordi hver en centimeter af friheden er forblevet under pres. I Syrien er spraydåserne stadig bomber, mens iranske Kianoush fraråder de unge at gå på gaden og bruge nettet i stedet, selvom han selv har tegnet nogle af de uhyggeligste tegninger over risikoen ved nettets overvågning. Og i Tunesien er musikere og graffitikunstnere prøvesten hos politi og retsinstanser for muligheden af at afkræve dem tavshed. Lad os derfor tage et billede mere af Willis med et større stykke mur:
She decided
to come forward all the more so since every inch of freedom has remained under
pressure. In Syria, spray cans are regarded as bombs now as then, while the Iranian cartoonist Kianoush discourage young people to take to the streets and use the social media
instead, although he has drawn some of the scariest drawings on the risks of
network monitoring. And in Tunisia, musicians and graffiti artists are touchstone
of the police and judicial authorities on the possibility of keeping voices
silent. Let us therefore have another image of Willis, this time seen with a
larger section of the wall:
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Oussama Bouagila og Berriche Chahine, alias Zwewla, blev anholdt i november og har siden fået deres sag udsat i januar, marts og nu senest med næste retsdato sat til den 10. april. Bureaukrati, men med håbet om, at gadens pres, viralt som fysisk, gør en virkning?
Bouagila and Berriche Chahine, aka Zwewla, were arrested in November and have
since had their trial postponed in January, March and recently yet again with
the next court date set for April 10. Due to the usual bureaucracry, surely, but still with the hope that it could possibly indicate that the
pressure of the street, virally and physically, is making an impact?
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The signature of Zwewla. Photo: Zwewla. |
I al fald affødte deres tiltale hurtigt tilkaldte demonstrationer, hvoraf denne video er fra dagen før seneste udsættelse, den 27. marts. Zwewla blev arresteret for at tagge en mur i Gabes. Tiltalen lyder på overtrædelse af Tunesiens undtagelsestilstand og klassikeren over dem alle: Forstyrrelse af den offentlige ro og orden. I dette tilfælde mere præcist for at sprede såkaldt "falske oplysninger" over de fattigste tunesere, der i Zwewlas tags blev kaldt levende døde.
In any case
their charge gave rise to quickly summoned demonstrations, of which this video
is from the day before the last adjournment, March 27. Zwewla was arrested for
tagging a wall in Gabes. They were charged with violating the state of
emergency in Tunisia and the most classic of them all: Disturbing the public
peace and quiet. In this case, more precisely having spread so-called
"false information" on the poorest Tunisians, who in the tags by
Zwewla were denominated the living dead.
I bladtegningen findes en utrolig mængde demonstrationer - bamser, der ikke kan og ikke vil gå i takt, eksempelvis. Demonstrationer er en af de enkleste grundformer i tegningen ved allerede at have en indbygget plads til en skrevet (banner) tekst i forening med en tegnet mængde, og er samtidig en billedgørelse af demokratiets mangfoldighed.
Mangfoldighed. Demonstrationer regnes typisk for en måde at fortælle om ensretning. Som studerende lærte vi om massekunst i det tidlige 20. århundrede, men i bladtegningen er motivet snarere en måde at vise stemmers uenighed. Hvad kun antidemokrater tager fejl af, fordi det svarer til deres eget verdensbillede. Såsom salafister, der medbringer egne bøller med sorte ringe om øjnene og slagkøller:
In cartooning we find an incredible amount of drawings on demonstrations - teddybears that cannot and will not walk in line, just for one. Demonstrations are one of the simplest basics when doing a drawing in that they come with a built-in space for a written (banner) text along with an amalgamate of characters, and is as such in itself a mapping of democratic diversity.
Diversity. We usually handle demonstrations as the prototype on uniformity. That is how we as students were told about mass art from the early 20th century. Instead, in cartooning, demonstrations are a way to exhibit manifold of voices. Only antidemocrats would understand it otherwise, in that it corresponds to their own perception of the world. Such as Salafists, who bring their own thugs with clubs and black-ringed eyes:
Mangfoldighed. Demonstrationer regnes typisk for en måde at fortælle om ensretning. Som studerende lærte vi om massekunst i det tidlige 20. århundrede, men i bladtegningen er motivet snarere en måde at vise stemmers uenighed. Hvad kun antidemokrater tager fejl af, fordi det svarer til deres eget verdensbillede. Såsom salafister, der medbringer egne bøller med sorte ringe om øjnene og slagkøller:
In cartooning we find an incredible amount of drawings on demonstrations - teddybears that cannot and will not walk in line, just for one. Demonstrations are one of the simplest basics when doing a drawing in that they come with a built-in space for a written (banner) text along with an amalgamate of characters, and is as such in itself a mapping of democratic diversity.
Diversity. We usually handle demonstrations as the prototype on uniformity. That is how we as students were told about mass art from the early 20th century. Instead, in cartooning, demonstrations are a way to exhibit manifold of voices. Only antidemocrats would understand it otherwise, in that it corresponds to their own perception of the world. Such as Salafists, who bring their own thugs with clubs and black-ringed eyes:
ETA: Det blev en symbolsk sejr til Zwewla, der i dag, den 10 april, er blevet frikendt. Anklagen om spredning af falske nyheder og brud på den offentlige orden holdt ikke i retten.
was a symbolic victory, when Zwewla was acquitted today, April 10. The charges of spreading false news and disturbing the public order were dismissed in court.