The Daily Valdemar No. 48: April 30

Valdemar Andersen, full-page for the satirical magazine Klods-Hans,
November 12, 1909.
The photo is of poor quality, for which I apologise.

Today's moment of calm is a homage to dramatic robes used right.

At the heart of theatre lies the insistence that anything can and should happen, such as the confrontation of two eras across half a millennium in the comedy When Knights Were Bold by Harriett Jay.

Valdemar Andersen took the opportunity to go all out when presenting the protagonist on the stage in 1909. It was the very year in which Valdemar had done monumental scale work for Landsudstillingen (The National Exhibition) in Aarhus where he used colours at their purest and strongest to secure their vibrancy when seen from a long distance.

Carl Alstrup is doing some typical comical figure fiddling - if I may say so? - however, that part of him is the farthest from us. Before our eyes is the richest, most vibrant of RED. It is the very effect a Van Eyck used in the Early Renaissance placing the masses of fabric of the dress of his Madonna with the hypnotic effect of its red right before the beholder, while the Madonna and child would remain aloof and out of reach.

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