The Daily Valdemar No. 35: April 16

Valdemar Andersen, full-page cartoon for the satirical magazine Klods-Hans,
November 19, 1905.

Today's moment of calm is the artful spilling out of one's dress.

Liane de Vriés was a Dutch soprano, who made a name on the European cabaret scene during the Belle Époque. Today she is only known through the promotional photos in which she is as undressed as she is covered by a visual distraction of lace, ribbons and jewels. 

She had to be drawn as an character in that world leading up to 1900 for its obsession with all things sordid, which to the new century seemed as sordid an act in itself as it was now old-fashioned. Everything around her is dots, circles and swirls of Aubrey Beardsley-fame; he who intended to be of the new age, but did not live long enough to do so and is mostly known for subject-matters at which the old century had been drooling. 

A full-page cartoon such as this in Klods-Hans would usually be accompanied by a satirical poem and in this case it is incorporated within the cartoon to accentuate her use of the S-curved fashionable corset that is bending over her body to maximize her play of is she in the nude or is she not?

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