Menneskerettighedserklæringen er ikke indskrevet i forfatningen!
En ny tunesisk forfatning i kølvandet på januaroprøret 2011 har været undervejs i nu 16 måneder med en lille håndfuld udkast, hvoraf det seneste netop nu skiller de sekulære vande fra de religiøse. Undervejs har komitémedlemmer taget sig rettigheder og rettet det ind, som i forvejen var diskutabelt. Den religiøse frihed er skrevet med ind, frihed til tanke og samvittighed derimod ikke.
In the wake of the January 2011-uprising a new Tunisian constitution has
been underway for 16 months by now with a handful of drafts lining up, of which
the last one is right now separating the secular waters from the religious. Committee
members have taken it upon themselves to amend what was problematic beforehand.
Freedom of religion has been included while freedom of thought and conscience
is not.
Nadia Khiari, WillisfromTunis, april 2013: - De vantro skal dræbes! - Ytringsfrihed! På muren skriver Willis: Tuneserne sulter, med direkte henvisning til anklagen mod graffitiduoen Zwewla - Udbredelsen af falske budskaber forstyrrer den offentlige orden!
- The nonbelievers must be killed!
- Freedom of speech!
On the wall Willis is writing: Tunisians are starving, with a direct
reference to the indictment against the graffiti duo Zwewla
- The spreading of false messages is disturbing the public order!
Salafisterne hos WillisFromTunis taler nu ikke alene i ordrer, men ordrer i kancellistil, magtens sprog. Tilsyneladende dialoger forbliver tilsyneladende.
The Salafists in WillisFromTunis are by now not just giving orders rather
than talking, their orders are in officialese, the language of power. Apparent
dialogues remain apparent.
Nadia Khiari har hidtil været meget sparsom med at udtale sig som person frem for gennem Willis. Hendes kommentar til et kommuniké i maj måned er derfor så meget mere sigende:
"Hahahahahahahaha": "Den Grundlovgivende Nationalforsamling (NCA) har erklæret sig overrasket over udgydelsen af "uenige stemmer" i og uden for Forsamlingen, der forårsager problemer og ødelægger det tunesiske folks glæde over, at det tredje og endelige udkast af forfatningen bliver foretaget rettidigt". "Jeg gentager Hahahahahahahaha"
Nadia Khiari has so far only sparsely spoken out in person rather than
through Willis. Her comment to a communiqué in May is therefore all the more
"Bwahahahahahahaha": "The National Constituent Assembly (NCA) has declared itself surprised by the outpouring of "disagreeing voices" within as well as outside of the Assembly, which are causing problems and destroying the delight of the Tunisian people that the third and final draft of the constitution will be made in time". "I repeat Bwahahahahahahaha"
Den danske grundlov markeres i dag med nu ikke så få år bag sig siden 1849. Vi har ytringsfrihed, vi har derimod ikke menneskerettighederne skrevet med ind, fordi vores i ren modsætning til Tunesien er for gammel, og Folketinget ikke har haft lyst til at tage livtag med en større revidering.
Siden 2001 enhver tanke om revision ligefrem været blokeret, fordi et bestemt parti ser menneskerettigheder som noget snavs.
Meget sigende finder de deres bedste venner i det spørgsmål hos Tunesiens salafister.
The Danish constitution is marked today with quite a few years behind it
since 1849. We have freedom of speech, but the human rights are not part of it because
our constitution in utter contrast to that of Tunisia is too old, and our parliament
has no desire to embark on a major revision.
Since 2001 has any thought of a check-up in fact been obstructed by a
particular right-wing party here that considers the human rights as dirt.
It is telling that they find their best friends on the question in
Tunisia's Salafists.
All drawings courtesy of Nadia Khiari.