Portræt af en salafist - set fra Iran


English translation in italics:

Kianoush Ramezani: A Clockwork Islamist, 19. september 2012.

Man kan ikke beskylde ham for at mangle målsætning. Mindre drevet af intention end automatreaktion.

Vi har allerede set på en salafist i tunesiske Nadia Khiaris fortolkning, og netop de tunesiske salafister, har iranske Kianoush Ramezani fulgt tæt over længere tid. Han har kun vidst alt for godt, hvad det vil sige, når en religiøs leder vender hjem fra udlandet og påtager sig ledelsesmagten. Iran fik en ayatollah hjem fra Paris som ny diktator, Tunesien har fået en tilsvarende fra London. Døden følger ivrigt efter:

One cannot accuse him of a lack of objective. Less driven, though, by any intention that the reaction of an automaton.

We have already seen a Salafist as interpreted from Tunisia by Nadia Khiari, and the Tunisian Salafists have been followed closely too by the Iranian cartoonist Kianoush Ramezani. He knows only too well what it means when a religious leader returns from abroad to assume power. Iran saw an Ayatollah travel home from Paris to become their new dictator, a Tunisian took a similar route from London. Death follows eagerly their footsteps:

Kianoush Ramezani: Boosted Reward for Killing Salman Rushdie, 20. september 2012.

Selvoverbeviste og ensrettende, og med en ubændig trang til raseri. Raseriet synes deres normaltilstand - angreb svækker modpartens mulighed for eftertanke. Så derfor, travle salafister i Tunesien, genkendelige på deres skæg naturligvis:

Self-righteous and changing everything according to their own view, driven by an uncontrollable rage. Rage seems their normal state of mind – a constant noise that weakens the chance to think in their vicinity. So here we have them, busy Salafists in Tunisia, recognizable by their beards, of course:

Kianoush Ramezani: Tunesian Salafists, 2. april 2012.

Kianoush har skabt en fremragende kortform af salafisternes modarbejdelse af det frie ord. Hele Tunesiens politiske situation på en flagdug. Vi kunne kalde det for Det aggressive Skæg:

Kianoush has created an excellent short form of the Salafis obstructing the freedom of speech. The political situation in Tunisia on a bunting. We could call it the Aggressive Beard:

Kianoush Ramezani: La Tunesie, les Salafistes, des artistes, 16. juni 2012.

Vejen frem ligger således lige for. Det er atter tid til Dégage! - at befri sig. Indenunder findes et nyt Tunesien. Og hvis det ikke er en moralsk fortælling?

So time to Dégage! - to liberate the country yet again, and the way forward is obvious. Underneath is a new Tunisia. A moral tale if ever there was any?

Kianoush Ramezani: Ennahdha Dégage/Free Tunisia, 16. marts. 2012.

Tak til Kianoush Ramezani for stor fortolkningskunst.

A very special thank you to Kianoush Ramezani for his greatly inspirational, interpretational art.

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