"Do go on, Peter!"

Louise Thrane Jensen, detail of Peter Lautrop, 2016.
"- I want to be an ARTIST!"

Those two are the perfect combination: Louise Thrane Jensen has drawn the life and work of Peter Lautrop for the about to be-book on cartoonists to be titled Tegnere Tegner Tegnere (alas, untranslatable without losing the cadence of the Danish title: "Cartoonists Draw Cartoonists") 

The cartoons of Louise and Peter both oozes INK, actually and digitally, with a tactile presence to the line. Their line is at once explicit as it embraces everything, rooted as it is in an insistence on what is good in the world from a knowledge that said world is usually anything but.

Louise Thrane Jensen, Peter Lautrop, 2016.

Louise Thrane Jensen, detail of Peter Lautrop, 2016.
Ink stand in hand, Peter was told by his parents to have something to fall back on,
which was a stumble in his life from his artistic zest.

Teddy bears are good. Cats too. Beings who cannot be corrupted; they just turn their back to evil and go their own way. They are even inviolable in a graphic sense. Each of them constitutes a visual entity. 

Goodness consequently has an actual presence and what is more, teddy bears act. The room usually taken up by the noise of evil is counteracted with beings, which are inviolable and indestructible. Their softness cannot be undermined and Peter Lautrop has thus disproved Tolstoy on the lackluster of goodness. In fact a despot such as Lukashenko in Belarus grinds his teeth, when teddy bears go into action.

Louise Thrane Jensen,
detail of Peter Lautrop, 2016.
A teddy bear rounded up by stupidity, the latter recognizable on its set of teeth;
the teddy bear thus exposing the wrongdoer while remaining inviolable itself.

Louise Thrane Jensen, detail of Peter Lautrop, 2016.
"He lives behind a green tree at (the Copenhagen neighborhood) Vesterbro
and serves a well brewed coffee in teddy bear-yellow cups"

Peter's coffee cups are indeed of the softest yellow and his tree outside is magnificent.

Louise has materialized before us a life at one with Peter's protagonists. His is very much a life of action too. In every frame of her portrait, she has underlined how he touches upon everything around him, surrounding it with the fluidity of his own body as he has done in ink in his work, exposing and laying bare:

Louise Thrane Jensen, detail of Peter Lautrop, 2016.
"He has mellowed, he says, but his urge to point out stupidity
 in the world is as vital as ever"

The cartoon shown is courtesy of Louise Thrane Jensen and must not be reproduced without her permission. Louise shall have the last word too:

Louise Thrane Jensen, detail of Peter Lautrop, 2016.
"Do go on, Peter!"

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