40 år med Plantu på forsiden



Plantu: Første tegning i Le Monde i dag for 40 år siden.
Plantu. His first drawing in Le Monde 40 years ago today.

Fredsduer er små aktivister, der bevæger sig ud i verden frem for at lade stå til. I dag for 40 år siden fik Plantu første gang trykt en tegning i Le Monde, og det, som dengang angik vietnamkrigen, skulle vise sig at være en tegning, der blev indbegrebet af hans kunst og åndelige vingefang:

"Faktisk er jeg en kunstner, 
der ser sig selv som en journalist i en medieverden, 
hvor mange journalister er endt som karikaturtegnere"

Som Michel Kichka så træffende har markeret, har Plantus livsværk fra første færd fastholdt de mange spørgsmålstegn frem for det udråbstegn, der afbryder enhver dialog.

Peace doves are little activists, moving about in the world rather than staying inactive. 40 years ago today, Plantu had a drawing published in Le Monde for the very first time, and what back then concerned the Vietnam War would prove to be a drawing on the quintessence of his art and mental wingspan:

"Actually, I'm an artist,
who sees himself as a journalist in a media world
in which many journalists have ended up as cartoonists "

As Michel Kichka so aptly has expressed, Plantu'ş life work has from the very onset cultivated the many question-marks rather than the exclamation-mark, which breaks off all further exchange.

Det udråbstegn, som det iranske præsteskab ved Ayatollah Ali Khamenei benyttede sig af i forgangne uge, da Ahmadinejad var bortrejst for at stå på talerstolen i FN.

The very exclamation-mark, which the Iranian clergy headed by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei took advantage of in the past week, when Ahmadinejad was away to stand on the podium at the UN.

Kianoush Ramezani: for Hadi Heidari, September 29, 2012.

Præsteskabet greb lejligheden til at fængsle angiveligt fornærmende elementer, og selvom den selvstændige og kritiske avis Shargh  i den grad ikke hører til Ahmadinejads støtter, røg den med i samme bevægelse. Chefredaktøren skal være arresteret for at have trykt en tegning af Hadi Heidari over en kæde af mænd med bind for øjnene:

The clergy seized the opportunity to imprison allegedly insulting personages, and although the independent and critical newspaper Shargh is absolutely not supporting Ahmadinejad, it was brought in as well. The chief editor was arrested for having printed a cartoon by Hadi Heidari fetaturing a chain of blindfolded men:

Hadi Heidari - September 2012.

Anklagen lyder på, at tegningen gør nar ad de pandebånd med korancitater, som blev båret under krigen mod Irak i 1980'erne. Selv fastholder Heidari, at tegningen angår uvidenhed - helt åbenbart i betydningen af den bevidst fastholdte og kollektive uvidenhed.

According to the indictment the drawing pokes fun at the headband with quotations from the Quran, which were worn during the war against Iraq in the 1980s. Heidari stresses that the cartoon is about ignorance - evidently in the meaning of the deliberately restrained collective ignorance.

by Hadi Heidari

Så i den retning er for og imod åbenbart enige, og det er interessant, at præsteskabet for deres del genkender hovedbånd - uanset placering - som noget, der giver fællesskab gennem at sikre blind lydighed. Vi andre fik oveni set en flig af Irans indre magtkampe, og som ofte før, kom der en bladtegner i vejen.

Men i dag har bladtegnerne deres eget fællesskab, Cartooning for Peace, under FN, hvor deres fysiske sikkerhed og ret til at tegne gøres synlig. Plantu var initiativtageren bag sammen med Kofi Annan. Plantus due er efter 40 år mere udfarende end nogensinde. Vi ser frem til de næste 40 med et stort tillykke og tak til Plantu.

So in that respect for and against are apparently in agreement, and it is interesting that the clergy for their part recognize the headband as something which regardless of location guarantees the community by way of blind obedience. The rest of us got to see a fragment of the power struggle in Iran, and as so often before it was a cartoonist, who opened the curtain to us.

Nowadays the cartoonists have their own community Cartooning for Peace within the United Nations making their physical safety and right to draw a visible one. Along with Kofi Annan Plantu was the initiator behind it. The pigeon by Plantu is after 40 years more assertive than ever. We look forward to the next 40 years with congratulations and a big thank you to Plantu.

The logo by Plantu for Cartooning for Peace within the umbrella of the UN.

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