On Moral Superiority

This is a textbook example on moral superiority.

Not the noise of the here and now showing off economical and physical muscles. Take the Trump Administration for instance, plumping up its feathers by way of issuing executive orders on the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

Antonio Rodríguez García first made the cartoon on the initial victory of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, when it was decided to seek out alternatives to drilling the Dakota Access pipeline under the Missouri River. That one leg on the wrecked pipeline speaks of powers. That was in December 2016.

Antonio Rodríguez García has created a symbol on the Standing Rock Sioux that surpasses the very symbol of US official life. This is the one, which was here before any Constitution was spoken of and this is the one, which will be here when there is no more such a thing as a US president.

It is not that it is forceful. It is the sheer moral calm of knowing what is right and acting accordingly.

Antonio Rodríguez García, December 5, 2016.

The cartoon shown is courtesy of Antonio Rodríguez García and must not be reproduced without his permission.

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