Et stykke Egypten i København


English translation in italics:

Den seneste uge har Alaa Awad arbejdet på et trefløjet monumentalmaleri i forbindelse med festivalen Images med Center for Kultur og Udvikling som arrangør.

The past week Alaa Awad has prepared a triptych mural for the festival IMAGES organized by the Danish Center for Culture and Development.

Hvor nyt værket er, ses af underlaget under til at opsuge den dryppende maling. Det er kunst, hvis tid og sted er nu, og kun nu. Ligesom solen brød ind, som disse fotos blev taget. Det er gadens dynamik, med Alaa Awads ord, at hans værker allerede igen forsvinder i Kairo. De tilhører ikke enkeltpersoner, men det fælles rum. Deres tilblivelseshistorie var netop at udvælge sig de synligste steder, dem, som alle forholder sig til. 

Hans egen historie kunne ikke være mere klassisk i denne sammenhæng. Som kunstnerisk uddannet i Luxor, hvor han i dag også underviser, tog han til Kairo, da demonstrationerne brød ud i 2011. Kunsten var hans sprog, og det lå lige for at bruge den på gaden og indgå i rigdommen af billedstemmer over revolutionen.

His work is so freshly painted that a rag underneath is still to be seen soaking up the dripping paint. This is art whose time and place is the here and now. It is the dynamics of the street, in Alaa Awad's own words, even when it means his own work is already disappearing in Cairo. His murals belong to the public space. They came about in the first place by selecting the most visible places in the city that everyone relates to.

His own history could hardly be more classical in this context. Educated in fine arts in Luxor, where he now also teaches, he went to Cairo when the demonstrators took to the streets in 2011. Art was his language and it was thus natural to become part of the richness of the visual voices of the revolution.

Skibe, heste og ikke mindst menneskene i indbyrdes styrkekamp over sammenhold og brud. Alaa Awad inddrager klassisk egyptisk murmaleri - han henviser til Ramses II's regeringstid, men nyfortolker gennem farver i lag på lag. Flader brydes konstant, så intet fremstår kompakt:

Ships, horses and not least human forms intertwined in the struggles of unity and rupture. Alaa Awad involves elements from ancient Egyptian murals - he refers to the murals of the reign of Ramses II, but they are reinterpreted through colors in layers. Surfaces are constantly broken, so that no form remains solid:

 Og får lag af liv i det større hele:

And creates layers of life within the larger picture plane:

Et nærblik på hans moduleringer, hvor mange farvelag, der bygger den enkelte form. Udladning og struktur på samme tid:

A closer look on his modulations and the many levels of paint that constitute each figural form. Discharge and structure in one:

Alaa Awad fremhæver selv sine eksperimenter med at bryde menneskekroppens begrænsninger og vride, vende og dreje den ud af sine proportioner for derved at opnå nye forløb:

Alaa Awad emphasizes his experiments in breaking the limitations of the human body and let it twist and turn beyond its natural proportions so as to constantly create a new flow:

Tredjesiden er ikke færdiggjort, men forestiller et påbud til fremtiden, menneskene der tager ansvaret på sig i mødet med månen. Han nægter pure, at kunstneren gør forskel, men henviser samtidig til sit greb i kulturhistorien som en måde at skabe forståelse og sammenhæng. Og med hans egne ord, viser kunstneren løsninger gennem farven - eller viser, at løsninger ikke ligger lige for:

The third part of the mural is not completed, but raises a finger towards the future that humans shall take the responsibility upon themselves in the face of the moon. Alaa Awad flatly refuses the idea that an artist can change his times as any of his profession does, and yet he explains his use of cultural history as a way to create a shared understanding and attachment. And in his own words the artist points to solutions through color - or shows us that solutions are not at hand:

En stor tak til Alaa Awad for at gøre et stykke kunst af i dag nærværende et lidt andet sted i verden og til Center for Kultur og Udvikling, der gjorde det muligt.

A very special thank you to Alaa Awad for making a unique artistic statement of today present in a slightly different place in the world and to the Danish Center for Culture and Development that made it possible.

Alle fotos har jeg selv taget / All photos were taken by me.

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