

Iman Rezaee, Dictatorship; Every Dictatorship will end,
but taking down a dictator often comes at at price
, November 24, 2021.

Iman Rezaee creates wide horizons with a light that is never bright, but dresses the scenery in a soft uniformity from which there seems to be no escape. Into this his pen specifies those who takes stronghold of it all, commanding that there must indeed be no freedom from their own outlook. 

The two present cartoons juxtaposes the dictatorship of all times with the dictators of our day - or sadly, three of them - working in tandem at once enabling and keeping each other in check. 

Ultimately their humanity shall fail them. Their human body takes them down, however extreme their denial of it. We are witnessing that final struggle right now from of one of the three, all the more lethal from his panic of nearing his end at power. 

That panic is uncovered by the cartoonist and in the midst of the carnage from their egos, his signature is always to be found above their horizon line.

Iman Rezaee, Iran, Russia & China, January 29, 2022.

The cartoons shown are courtesy of Iman Rezaee and must not be reproduced without his permission.

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