One For The History Books


    Anne-Marie Steen Petersen, When you tighten the ribbon... December 10, 2015.
    - the title alludes to a line in an old Danish Christmas carol in which a little girl is told to carefully unwrap her doll otherwise it might get strangled in the ribbon. She was responsible for tightening the rules for asylum-seeking however the cost to the asylum seekers.

Yet again a cartoon gets the last laugh. This will be one chosen for the history books.

As such it is a sad case for the cartoonist to be right when it concerns humans in troubling circumstances. An aspect of those circumstances have now been found "definitely illegal" by a commission. A summary of the case in English is to be found here

Inger Støjberg was Minister of Immigation and Integration when she misled the Danish Parliament on the legality of her separating young couples at the asylum centers if one party of the couple was under 18. 

The next step will be an impeachment process in The Danish Parliament. The last one took place in 1995, the outcome of which was four months of suspended prison to the minister in question (suspended due to ill health). 

We have covered the cartoon by Anne-Marie Steen Petersen before, when it was published in 2015. The noise and highly wrung indignation against the cartoon was all the greater for having the responsibility of Støjberg called out. 

It is one thing doing antics on social media and playing the farceur - and she so one for gimmicks to keep her face in the press  - it is another to be actually carved out next to one's actions as the responsible one.

As cartoons go and not least the ones in which she is taking part, this continues to be a quiet cartoon. She is not dressed in tight leather with whip in hand. Those can be brushed aside as sexist or that she is ultimately an achiever. This one has the lit candle as its center. She is sparkling in its reflection, taking in the joy of having created the exact situation she worked for. 

The "definitely illegal" one. 

The cartoon shown is courtesy of Anne-Marie Steen Petersen.

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