A Moment In Time Of Hopefulness

Riber Hansson, Today right before autumn, the grassroots are holding high their banners, September 6, 2013.

The lightness of today comes from knowing that a democracy is saved, in which journalists and cartoonists shall no longer fear to be jailed for doing their jobs.

The 46th US president is elected and no cartoonist wishes to ever draw no. 45 again. That reaction is all the stronger from going against the classical stance that cartoonists prefer to draw the faces they have already defined and know how to go about. New faces are voids to them until they have found the very features, which define the character behind them. 

Today belongs to the grassroots, who have been on their toes these last four years to make No. 46 possible. Riber Hansson has a watercolour in his sketchbook, which is so right for the occasion:

"Today right before autumn, the grassroots are holding high their banners"

The lightness of seeing what grows forth from dotting one colour onto paper and adding golden colours as the waves of the new in the transition from summer to autumn. Creativity of chaos makes our minds grow and today is a celebration of the right to let the mind play freely - without the fear of being jailed as his American colleagues would be facing had the election gone otherwise. 

The cartoon shown is courtesy of Riber Hansson and must not be reproduced without his permission.

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