The Fact of That Matter

I have long been in love with the characters of Giorgio Franzaroli.

In particular his rather mature couple, knowing life. There is not a exclamation mark between them, seeing no need to shout out. Besides they always agree, while putting their verbal finger on the sore spot.

They could so easily fall into that jovial stereotypical humor, hurting no one and changing nothing. At first glance they are the visualization of the populist vote as seen by the media. The very voters, who readily jubilate the Trumps and Berlusconis of this world. But they are anything but. They are a feast of commedia dell'arte, one massive exaggeration before us after another, the bellies of Franzaroli's characters hardly leaving the ground when walking, while proving intellectuals at the height of their game, stating their analysis of the situation without embellishment.

This week cartoonists have portrayed now Kim Jong-Un and then back to Trump, while Giorgio Franzaroli cuts through any question of the egg and the hen or who is making the first wrong move. Nor is there any reason to add specific faces to the definition of the problem at hand: They are two imbeciles at power.

The sting of Giorgio Franzaroli is evidenced in the fact that when the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo take inspiration from him, they get into trouble.

Giorgio Franzaroli, April 16, 2017.
- Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un
- The scientific evidence that we have invested
more in the atom than in the neuron

The cartoon shown is courtesy of Giorgio Franzaroli and must not be reproduced without his permission.

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