A little outcry on a Friday

Et lille torsdags-skrig på en fredag


Nadia Khiari, WillisfromTunis, September 20, 2011:
 "- Well, Willis? How are you holding up against the pressure, the uncertainty,
the Bearded (the Salafists), the threats and political instability?
- I drug myself"
Willis in good company with Manet's Absinthe Drinker


I mange år har man, fejlagtigt ganske vist, ment og påstået og doceret at sport var sundt.
Eliteidræt ovenikøbet det allersundeste, både for udøvernes kroppe og folkets sjælelige sundhed.
Aldrig har jeg hørt mage til sludder.
Og nu har den sportsovervurdering åbenbart smittet af på bedømmelsen af kulturen , så man idag i Kulturministeriets pressemeddelelse m.h.t. kulturaftale med Bornholm bl.a. kan læse at: "... man vil afsøge kulturens sundhedsfremmende potentiale". !!!
Jeg formoder at man ligesom i sportens martrede og dopede og forpinte verden, med dens mange tabere og få vindere, mener elite kulturen.
Men her overser man det faktum, at  kulturens  fremmeste resultater er baseret på en lang række smertefulde, tvivlende,urolige selvmordsbestræbelser.
Kunst er ikke for sjov og slet ikke sundt!
Det er ikke " Helserejser" der sender kunstnerne afsted mod målet.
Men der er åbenbart gået gymnastiklærerinde i hele øvelsen.
At det stakkels ministerium skal rumme både sport og den kunstneriske kultur er i forvejen så forkert som det kan være.
Man havde vel håbet at afsmitningen gik den modsatte vej?
men nu tyder dette udsagn på, at sportens pinlige kriterier og fingerede sundhedstilbedelse, i al sin vitalistiske elendighed, har bredt sig den modsatte vej.
Sund kunst!!!
sundhedsfremmende kunst?

va´blev der af:

Sand kunst ?

For many years, and it was a mistake indeed, it was believed and claimed and taught that sport was healthy.
Athletics on a elite level was even said to the healthiest concerning the practitioners' bodies as well as their mental health.
I have never heard such nonsense.
And now, apparently, the overestimation of sport has rubbed off on the assessment of culture, so that the press release from the Ministry of Culture today concerning the cultural agreement with (the island of) Bornholm is stating that: "... they will seek out the health-promoting potential of culture". !!!
I suspect that just like the in sports tortured and drugged and tortured world, with its many losers and few winners, they are talking about the elite culture.
But this ignores the fact that culture's most prominent results are based on a variety of painful, doubting, troubled, suicidal efforts.
Art is not for fun and not at all healthy!
It is not a "Health Travel" that make the artists reach their target.
A gym teacher has obviously gone into the whole exercise.
That the poor ministry must accommodate both sports and artistic culture is already as wrong as it can be.
It had probably hoped that it would rub off in the opposite direction?
But the present statement suggests that the embarrassing criteria of sports and the worship of faked health in all its vitalistic misery has spread in the opposite direction.
Healthy art!
health promoting art?

What became of:

True art?

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